شاهد كلمات اغنية شمسويلك بالفيديو
كلمات اغنية شمسويلك
شمسويلك كُلَّ يَوْمٍ مسهرني بليلي . .
وَأَنْت بِسَابِع نَوْمِه بليلك
بيش ادعيلك يَا رَبِّي يخليك اتحبني . .
وَتَسْهَر مِثْلِي وَيَنْهَد حَيْلَك
آه شمسويلك كُلَّ يَوْمٍ مسهرني بليلي . .
و أَنْت بِسَابِع نَوْمِه بليلك
ابيش أدعيلك يَا رَبِّي يخليك اتحبني . .
و تَسْهَر مِثْلِي و ينهد حَيْلَك
تتفنن ليش بتعذيبي . .
وليش بِرَأْسِي تَزِيد شَيْبِي ؟
يَا ابْنَ النَّاس ارْحَمْنِي
دخليك . . دخليك . . آااه
قَلْبِي دُرُوس الْقَسْوَة انطيته . .
وَعَلَّمْتُه يعوفك مَا يريدك
بِس تَمْر إقْبَال عُيُونِي . .
يَنْسَى دروسي وَيَرْجِع بايدك
آه قَلْبِي دُرُوس الْقَسْوَة انطيته . .
و عَلِمْته يعوفك مَا يريدك
بِس تَمْر اكبال عُيُونِي . .
يَنْسَى دروسي و يَرْجِع بِيَدِك
حَائِرٌ بيك و شَاغِلٌ بَالِي . .
وشوف بدونك صِرْت شحالي
يَا ابْنَ النَّاس ارْحَمْنِي
دخليك . . دخليك . . آااه
مَا ضَلَّت كَلِمَة حُبّ حُلْوَةٌ . .
إلَّا و بيها مَا غازلتك
قَتَلَك عَيْنِي و كَتِلْك رُوحِي . .
مَا أَتَوَسَّل و توسلتك
آه مَا ضَلَّت كَلِمَة حُبّ حُلْوَةٌ . .
إلَّا و بيها مَا غازلتك
قلتلك عَيْنِي و كلتلك رُوحِي . .
مَا أَتَوَسَّل و اتوسلتك
ليش تَنْزِل دَمْعٌ عُيُونِي . .
و تَخَلِّي النَّاس يَلُومُنِي ؟
يَا ابْنَ النَّاس ارْحَمْنِي
دخليك . . دخليك . . آااااه .
كلمات اغنية شمسويلك قيس هشام مكتوبة بالزخرفة
شًـﻤسـّۈﭜلْـﮗ ﮗلْـ ﭜۈﻤ ﻤسـّھړﮢـﭜ ﭔلْـﭜلْـﭜ ..
ۈآﮢـﭥ ﭔسـّآﭔﻋ ﮢـۈﻤھ ﭔلْـﭜلْـﮗ
ﭔﭜشًـ آﮈﻋﭜلْـﮗ ﭜآ ړﭔﭜ ﭜخـلْـﭜﮗ آﭥﺢـﭔﮢـﭜ ..
ۈﭥسـّھړ ﻤﺛلْـﭜ ۈﭜﮢـھﮈ ﺢـﭜلْـﮗ
آھ شًـﻤسـّۈﭜلْـﮗ ﮗلْـ ﭜۈﻤ ﻤسـّھړﮢـﭜ ﭔلْـﭜلْـﭜ ..
ۈ آﮢـﭥ ﭔسـّآﭔﻋ ﮢـۈﻤﮧ ﭔلْـﭜلْـﮗ
آﭔﭜشًـ أﮈﻋﭜلْـﮗ ﭜآ ړﭔﭜ ﭜخـلْـﭜﮗ آﭥﺢـﭔﮢـﭜ ..
ۈ ﭥسـّھړ ﻤﺛلْـﭜ ۈ ﭜﮢـھﮈ ﺢـﭜلْـﮗ
ﭥﭥڤـﮢـﮢـ لْـﭜشًـ ﭔﭥﻋڎﭜﭔﭜ ..
ۈلْـﭜشًـ ﭔړآسـّﭜ ﭥڒﭜﮈ شًـﭜﭔﭜ؟
ﭜآ آﭔﮢـ آلْـﮢـآسـّ آړﺢـﻤﮢـﭜ
ﮈخـلْـﭜﮗ .. ﮈخـلْـﭜﮗ .. آآآھ
قـلْـﭔﭜ ﮈړۈسـّ آلْـقـسـّۈﮧ آﮢـطـﭜﭥھ ..
ۈﻋلْـﻤﭥھ ﭜﻋۈڤـﮗ ﻤآ ﭜړﭜﮈﮗ
ﭔسـّ ﭥﻤړ آقـﭔآلْـ ﻋﭜۈﮢـﭜ ..
ﭜﮢـسـّـﮯ ﮈړۈسـّﭜ ۈﭜړچـﻋ ﭔآﭜﮈﮗ
آھ قـلْـﭔﭜ ﮈړۈسـّ آلْـقـسـّۈﮧ آﮢـطـﭜﭥھ ..
ۈ ﻋلْـﻤﭥھ ﭜﻋۈڤـﮗ ﻤآ ﭜړﭜﮈﮗ
ﭔسـّ ﭥﻤړ آﮗﭔآلْـ ﻋﭜۈﮢـﭜ ..
ﭜﮢـسـّـﮯ ﮈړۈسـّﭜ ۈ ﭜړچـﻋ ﭔﭜﮈﮗ
ﺢـآﭜړ ﭔﭜﮗ ۈ شًـآﻏلْـ ﭔآلْـﭜ ..
ۈشًـۈڤـ ﭔﮈۈﮢـﮗ ڝـړﭥ شًـﺢـآلْـﭜ
ﭜآ آﭔﮢـ آلْـﮢـآسـّ آړﺢـﻤﮢـﭜ
ﮈخـلْـﭜﮗ .. ﮈخـلْـﭜﮗ .. آآآھ
ﻤآ ڞلْـﭥ ﮗلْـﻤﮧ ﺢـﭔ ﺢـلْـۈﮧ ..
آلْـآ ۈ ﭔﭜھآ ﻤآ ﻏآڒلْـﭥﮗ
قـﭥلْـﮗ ﻋﭜﮢـﭜ ۈ ﮗﭥلْـﮗ ړۈﺢـﭜ ..
ﻤآ آﭥۈسـّلْـ ۈ ﭥۈسـّلْـﭥﮗ
أھ ﻤآ ڞلْـﭥ ﮗلْـﻤﮧ ﺢـﭔ ﺢـلْـۈﮧ ..
إلْـآ ۈ ﭔﭜھآ ﻤآ ﻏآڒلْـﭥﮗ
قـلْـﭥلْـﮗ ﻋﭜﮢـﭜ ۈ ﮗلْـﭥلْـﮗ ړۈﺢـﭜ ..
ﻤآ أﭥۈسـّلْـ ۈ آﭥۈسـّلْـﭥﮗ
لْـﭜشًـ ﭥﮢـڒلْـ ﮈﻤﻋ ﻋﭜۈﮢـﭜ ..
ۈ ﭥخـلْـﭜ آلْـﮢـآسـّ ﭜلْـۈﻤﮢـﭜ؟
ﭜآ آﭔﮢـ آلْـﮢـآسـّ آړﺢـﻤﮢـﭜ
ﮈخـلْـﭜﮗ .. ﮈخـلْـﭜﮗ .. آآآآآھ
اغنية شمسويلك كلمات مكتوبة بالإنجليزية
Shamsweel every day you keep me awake at night. .
While you are in his seventh sleep at night
How can I pray for you, may God make you love me? .
And stay up like me and sigh your tricks
Oh Shamswilk every day you keep me awake at night. .
While you are in your seventh sleep at night
How can I pray for you, may God make you love me? .
And stay up late like me and sigh your tricks
Why are you trying to torture me? .
And why do you grow gray in my head?
O son of people, have mercy on me
Enter you. . Enter you. . Ahh
My heart is the lessons of cruelty I gave him. .
And I taught him to leave you what he wants you
But pass the turnout of my eyes. .
Forget my lessons and come back in your hands
Oh my heart the lessons of cruelty I gave him. .
And taught him to leave you what he wants you
But my eyes pass in front of me. .
He forgets my lessons and comes back in your hand
I am confused about you and occupying my mind. .
And see without you I became a beggar
O son of people, have mercy on me
Enter you. . Enter you. . Ahh
The word love is not nice. .
Except when she flirted with you
I killed you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and I begged you
Oh the word love is not nice .
Except when she flirted with you
I told you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and beg you
Why do you shed the tears of my eyes? .
And make people blame me?
O son of people, have mercy on me
Enter you. . Enter you. . Aaaah.
Enter you. . Enter you. . Ahh
The word love is not nice. .
Except when she flirted with you
I killed you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and I begged you
Oh the word love is not nice .
Except when she flirted with you
I told you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and beg you
Why do you shed the tears of my eyes? .
And make people blame me?
O son of people, have mercy on me
Enter you. . Enter you. . Aaaah.
Enter you. . Enter you. . Ahh
The word love is not nice. .
Except when she flirted with you
I killed you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and I begged you
Oh the word love is not nice .
Except when she flirted with you
I told you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and beg you
Why do you shed the tears of my eyes? .
And make people blame me?
O son of people, have mercy on me
Enter you. . Enter you. . Aaaah.
Enter you. . Enter you. . Ahh
The word love is not nice. .
Except when she flirted with you
I killed you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and I begged you
Oh the word love is not nice .
Except when she flirted with you
I told you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and beg you
Why do you shed the tears of my eyes? .
And make people blame me?
O son of people, have mercy on me
Enter you. . Enter you. . Aaaah.
Enter you. . Enter you. . Ahh
The word love is not nice. .
Except when she flirted with you
I killed you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and I begged you
Oh the word love is not nice .
Except when she flirted with you
I told you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and beg you
Why do you shed the tears of my eyes? .
And make people blame me?
O son of people, have mercy on me
Enter you. . Enter you. . Aaaah.
Enter you. . Enter you. . Ahh
The word love is not nice. .
Except when she flirted with you
I killed you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and I begged you
Oh the word love is not nice .
Except when she flirted with you
I told you my eyes and I told you my soul. .
I don't beg and beg you
Why do you shed the tears of my eyes? .
And make people blame me?
O son of people, have mercy on me
Enter you. . Enter you. . Aaaah.
وهنا انتهت الكلمات وقد تعرفنا اليوم في موقع صنديد في تصنيف كلمات أغاني. على اغنية شمسويلك كلمات مكتوبة كتابة كاملة النسخة الأصلية.