كلمات قصيدة دين ابوهم اسمه ايه مكتوبة كاملة

قصيدة دين ابوهم اسمه ايه من تأليف الشاعر المصري جمال بخيت. ويقدم موقع صنديد قراءة كلمات قصيدة دين ابوهم اسمه ايه مكتوبة كاملة.

شاهد قصيدة دين ابوهم اسمه ايه مكتوبة بالفيديو

قصيدة دين ابوهم اسمه ايه مكتوبة

دَيْنٌ أَبُونَا يَا مُسْلِمَيْن 


فِي يَقِينِي أَعَزّ دَيْنٌ 


كَلِمَةِ الْحَقِّ الْمُبِينُ 


كَلِمَة النُّور الْأَمِين 


حُكْمُه يَكْتُبُهَا الْآلَة 


فَوْق جَبِين الطَّيِّبِين 


دَيْنٌ أَبُونَا يَا مُحَمَّدُ 


أَنْت سَرَّه وَمُبْتَدَأَةٌ 


أَنْت إحْسَاسِه ومداه 


دَقَّه عارفينها ف قُلُوبِنَا 


لِمَا نخشع لِلْآلَة 


لِمَا نَطْلُب يَوْم رِضَاه 


لِمَا نركع . . لِمَا نَسْجُد 


لِمَا نَفْرَح بِالْحَيَاة . . 




دَيْنٌ أَبُونَا إبْرَاهِيمُ 


رَشّ جَمْر النَّار حُنَيْن 


ع الخَرائِط وَالْأَمَاكِن 


اتولدنا طَوَافَيْن 




دَيْنٌ أبويا لَو مَسِيحِيّ 


رَحِمَه لِجُلّ الْعَالَمِين 


نَصَرَه لِجُلّ الْمَظْلُومِين 


كَلِمَة الْحَبّ اللَّيّ بَائِس 


الصَّلِيب جَوَّة الْكَنَائِس 


ندهة الْأَجْرَاس لِمَرْيَم 


وَالْأَمَان للمجدلية 


رَحِمَه ليكو 


وَرَحْمَة لِيَا 


الْمَسِيح شَائِل آلامنا 


لِجُلّ يَهْدِينَا السَّلَام 


خَدٍّ أَيْمَنَ 


خَدّ أَيْسَر 


الْعِبَادَة ماهيش كَلَام 


عَيْش بِاسْم الْإِنْسَانِيَّة 


وانسي . . نِيَّة . . 


تدفعك للانتقام 




دَيْنٌ أبويا 


دَيْنٌ إِلَهِي 


أَيْنَمَا كَانَ اتجاهي 


حَتَّي لَوْ كَانَ دَيْنُ يَهُودِيٌّ 


إِحَنًا مَش ضِدّ الْيَهُود 


مُؤْسِي ف الْقُرْآن . . وَلِيد 


يَحْضُنُه نَيْل الْخُلُود 


بَيْن إيديه تسعي عصاته 


حَيَّة . . وجدودنا شُهُود 


سَحَرَه . . آمَنُوا بِرَبّ مُؤْسِي 


انْقَسَم لَه بَحْرٌ عَاتِي 


وَالْجَبَل عُرِفَ السُّجُودُ 


رَجَعَت الْحَيَّة عصايا 


حَضَنَت التَّوْرَاة . . وَصَايَا 


اوعي تُقْتَل . . 


اوعي تَسْرِق 


اوعي تَزْنِي 


اوعي تُقْبَل بِالْخُضُوع 


بَحْرٌ خَيْرٌ الْكَوْن يواتي 


لِمَا تَفَرَّد لَه القلوع 


وَالْجَحِيم يَأْكُل سنينكو 


لَو فَقِيرٌ فِيكُم يَجُوع 


الْوَصَايَا هِيه . . هِيه 


أرتضيها زِيّ مَا هِيَ 


فِي ضَمِيرَيْ . . وَفَوْق شِفاهِي 


دَيْنٌ أبويا دَيْنٌ إِلَهِي 


أَيْنَمَا كَانَ اتجاهي 


حَتَّي لَوْ كَانَ مَش إِلَهِي 


الْمَجُوسِيّ يترعب م النَّار . . .

وَيَعْبُد . . الْآلَة اللَّيّ ف خَيَالُه . . 


لَيَّة حَرَامَه . . وَلِيُّه حَلَالِه 


تَسْمَعَه ف مَعْبَد دُعَاءٌ 


تلهمه . . رَعْشَةٌ رَجَاء 


لِلْبَقَر نَاسٌ يَعْبُدُوه 


ويدينوله . . بِالْوَلَاء 


مَش غَباء تَعْرِفُوا 


ف الْبَقَرَة آيَة بيقدسوه ؟ ! 


الْعَطَاء -- دَيْنٌ أبويا 


أَيِّ دِينٍ فِيهِ عَصَاه أَو مخطئين 


بِس ف نِهَايَةٌ الْمَطَاف 


فِيهِ مَلَائِكَةُ . . ومؤمنين 


وَالرِّضَا لِلصَّابِرِين 


والهنا لِلصَّالِحِين 


فِيه مَلاذ لِلْعَابِدِين الشَّاكِرِين 


الْمُشْتَاقِين رَغِم الضَّيَاع 


لِلْيَقِين . . دَيْنٌ أبويا . . 


أَيِّ دِينٍ اللَّيّ أَنَا بِآه مَا اعرفوش 


الْوُحُوش . . الكروش 


اللَّيّ لَو طالوا رقابينا 


بينهشوا مابيرحموش 


دَيْنٌ أَبُوهُم اسْمُه آيَة ؟ ! 


اللَّيّ داسوا فَوْق رُءُوسنَا بالبيادة 


اللَّيّ مشيوا بِالْبِلَاد . . للبلادة 


اللَّيّ فَتَاوِيَهُم فَسَاد لِلْعَقْل يَقْضِي عَلِيّ الْعِبَادَة 


اللَّيّ مَسَحُوا مِنْ الْآيَاتِ مَعْنِيٌّ الشَّهَادَة 


لوثوا الدَّم ف عروقنا 


سُدُّوا عَيْنِ الشَّمْسِ فَوْقَنَا 


سَرَقُوا ضوءنا 


صادروا نيلنا . . ودفعونا تَمَنّ وُضُوءُنَا 


دَيْنٌ أَبُوهُم اسْمُه آيَة ؟ ! 


اللَّيّ بَاعُوا وَطَن بِحَالِه 


خضرته . . وَصُفْرَة رماله 


نسوته . . وَشَهْوَة رِجَاله 


بَهْجَتِه . . وَدَمِه . . وَعِيَالِه 


خُطْوَتُه وسنين نضاله 


ثورته . . ضِدّ احْتِلَالِه 


دَيْنٌ أَبُوهُم اسْمُه آيَة ؟ ! 


اللَّيّ فَتَحُوا الْقَلْب لخيول الْعَدُوّ 


اللَّيّ حَبَسُوا الْعَقْل 


فِي زنازين جُنُون 


اللَّيّ حَاصَرُوا الْكَرْم وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ 


دَيْنٌ أَبُوهُم اسْمُه آيَة ؟ ! 


مَيْن آلِهَةٌ ؟ ! 


مَيْن رَسُولِه ؟ ! 


فِين كِتَابِه ؟ ! 


فِيهِ مَلَائِكَةُ ؟ ! وَلَا غَابُوا 


فِيه شَيَاطِين ؟ ! وَلَا تَابُوا 


لِمَا شافوا التَّابِعِين 


شَرِّهِم زَادَ عَنْ جَهَنَّمَ 


شَرّ . . لايمكن حِسَابِه 


دَيْنٌ أَبُوهُم اسْمُه آيَة ؟ ! 


حَتَّي فِرْعَوْن اللَّيّ صَدَق 


أَنَّهُ مِنْ نَسْلِ الْآلَة 


وَاللَّيّ قَالَ إنَّهُ الْإِلَهُ 


كَان بيبني الأهرامات 


للممات قَبْلَ الْحَيَاةِ 


كَانَ لَهُ بَعَثَ وَيَوْم حِسَاب 


كَانَ لَهُ دَوْلَة . . حُضُور . . 


إدَارَة . . كَان مَنَارَة 


تَرْشُد الْكَوْن للحضارة . . 


كَانَ لَهُ جَيْشٌ فَارْض وُجُودِه 


كَان مُحَارِب بَيْن جُنُودُه 


وَأَمَّا يَتَجَاوَز حُدُودِه 


كَانَ لَهُ رَبُّ يُغْرِقُه 


وينقذ يهوده 


حَتَّي فِرْعَوْن اللَّيّ صَدَقَ أَنَّهُ مِنْ نَسْلِ الْآلَة 


وَاللَّيّ قَالَ إنَّهُ الْإِلَهُ . . 


كَانَ لَهُ كَهَنَةٌ ف الْعُلُوم 


يُقِرُّوا ف كِتَاب الْكَوَاكِب 


يرصدوا سِيَر النُّجُوم 


يفتحوله سِكَك . . بِيبَانٌ 


فِي سراديب الزَّمَان 


ويقولوله إزاي يَدُوم 


حنطوه . . خلدوه 


بِالْمَعَانِي وَالْمَبَانِي وَالرُّسُوم كَانُوا كَهَنَةٌ مُؤْمِنِين 


خَلَوْا كَلِمَة مِصْر . . دَيْنٌ 


حَاضِرَة ف الْعَهْد الْقَدِيم 


حَاضِرَة ف الْعَهْد الْجَدِيد 


حَاضِرَة ف الْقُرْآن حُضُور 


الْآيَاتِ فِيهَا تَدُور 


مُفْرَدَةٌ عَزّ وجلال 


معلنة . . وَبَيْن السُّطُور 


تُخْتَرَع ثَانِيَة وَشُهُور 


تُخْتَرَع شَعْر وبحور 


حَتَّي فَلَاحِهَا الْفَصِيح 


شَكْوَتِه بتشع نُور 


آيَة يامصر ؟ ! 


إيهِ يَا أَرْضُ الطَّيِّبِين 


اللَّيّ حَكَمُوا ف الزَّمَان دا 


يَبْقَوْا مَيْن ؟ ! دَيْنٌ أَبُوهُم 


اسْمُه آيَة ؟ ! 


حَدٌّ يُعْرَفُ فيكو دَيْنٌ 


كُلّ اتِّبَاعُه لُصُوصٍ أَوْ قوادين 


ف الْمَعَاصِي مولودين 


ف الْكَرَاسِيّ مأبدين 


ف التَّفَاهَة . . مَعْدُودِين 


ف السَّفَاهَة . . مفرودين 


ع البَلاهَة . . مسنودين 


للشراهة . . مجندين 


ع الْقِرْف . . متعودين 


ع الشَّرَف . . متمردين 


ع الوَطَن . . متنمردين 


بِالْخِيَانَة . . مُوَحِّدِين 


اللَّيّ يُعْرَف دَيْنٌ كَدِّه 


يقوللي عَلَيْه . . دَيْنٌ أَبُوهُم 


اسْمُه آيَة ؟ ! ؟ .

كلمات قصيدة دين ابوهم اسمه ايه مكتوبة بالإنجليزية

The religion of our father Oh Muslims

I'm sure

Dearest religion

The Word of Revealed Truth

The word of the faithful light

Wisdom written by God

On the forehead of the good people

The religion of our father Oh Mohammed

You are his secret and his beginner

You are his feeling and his range

A beat we know in our hearts

When we submit to God

When we ask for his satisfaction day

When we kneel down.

When we prostrate

When we rejoice in life.


The religion of our father Ibrahim

Spray the embers of fire nostalgia

On maps and places

We were born Tawafeen


Paternal religion or Christian

Mercy to all the worlds

Victory for the oppressed

The word of love that is nice

the cross inside the churches

The call of bells to Mary

And safety for Magdalene

Mercy Leko

And mercy for me

Christ is the bearer of our pain.

May peace guide us

Take Ayman

Left cheek

Worship is not talk

Live in the name of humanity

And forget it.

Intention .

Push you to take revenge


My father's religion

Divine religion

Wherever my direction is

Even if it was a Jewish religion

We are not against the Jews

Moses in the Quran. Waleed

Embraced by the Nile of eternity

In his hands his stick seeks


And our ancestors are witnesses

Witches. Believe in the Lord of Moses.

A mighty sea was divided for him

And the mountain knew prostration

The serpent returned a stick

I embraced the Torah. Commandments

Don't kill.

don't steal

don't commit adultery

Don't accept submission

The sea of goodness of the universe is coming

When you single out the castles for him

And hell eats your years

If the poor among you starve

The commandments are. she

I accept it as it is

In my conscience. And over my lips

My father's religion

Divine religion

Wherever my direction is

Even if it's not my God.


He is terrified of fire.

and worshipped.

The God in his imagination.

Why is it forbidden? And why is it halal

You hear him in the temple of Doaa

Inspire him. Shiver please

For cows people worship him

And they owe him. Loyalty

not stupidity

Do you know what the cow is sacred?!


- Fatherly religion

What religion

There are disobedient or mistaken

But at the end of the day

There are angels in it. and believers

And satisfaction for the patient

And our God is for the righteous

There is a haven for thankful worshippers

the missing

Despite being lost

For certainty.

My father's religion.

What religion

What I don't know

Monsters.. Bellies

If they reach our necks

They are ruthless, they don't have mercy

The religion of their father

What's his name?!

who stepped on our heads with their boots

who walked the country For dullness

Those whose fatwas are corruption of the mind destroys worship

Who erased from the verses the meaning of martyrdom

They polluted the blood in our veins

Close the sun's eye above us

They stole our light.

They confiscated our Nile. And they paid us the price of our ablution

The religion of their father is called eh?!

Who sold a whole country

Its greenery. And the yellow of his sand

His woman. and the lust of his men

His joy. And his blood. and his children

His step and years of struggle

His revolution. Against its occupation

Their father's religion is his name, eh?!

Who opened the heart to the enemy's horses

who imprisoned the mind

In the cells of madness

Those who besieged the vineyard, figs and olives

The religion of their father is called eh?!

Who is his god?!

Who is his messenger?!

Where is his book?!

Is there an angel in it?! Or they were absent

There are demons?! And don't repent

When they saw the followers

Their wickedness has increased from hell

Evil.. It can't be calculated

The religion of their father is called eh?!

Even Pharaoh who believed

He is a descendant of God

And who said that he is God

He was building the pyramids.

For death before life

He had a resurrection and a day of judgment

He had a state.



It was a beacon

Guide the universe

For civilization.

He had an army that imposed his existence

He was a warrior among his soldiers.

And when it exceeds its limits

He had a Lord drown him

And save his Jews

Even Pharaoh who believed that he is a descendant of God

And who said that he is a god.

He had priests in the sciences.

They read the book of planets

They monitor the course of the stars

They open rails for him. it appears

In the catacombs of time

And tell him how to last

Embalmed him. immortalized him

With meanings, buildings, and drawings, they were faithful priests.

Leave the word Egypt religion

Present in the Old Testament

Present in the New Testament

Present in the Quran presence

The verses in it rotate

The word glory and majesty

Announced. and between the lines

Invent again and months

She invents poetry and seas

Even her eloquent peasant

His complaint radiates light

Eh, Egypt?!

Oh land of good people

Who ruled in this time

Who are they left?!

The religion of their father

What's his name?!

Does anyone know your religion?

All his followers are thieves or pimps

In sins we are born

In the chairs forever

In triviality. Numbered

In silliness. Stretched out

For idiocy. supported

For gluttony. Recruits

What a. Used to

On the honor. Rebels

On the homeland. Bullies

By betrayal. Uniform

who knows this religion

He tells me about it.

The religion of their father

What's his name?!?

وهنا انتهت مقالتنا وقد تعرفنا اليوم في موقع صنديد في تصنيف قصائد مكتوبة. على كلمات قصيدة دين ابوهم اسمه ايه مكتوبة كتابة كاملة النسخة الأصلية.

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