شاهد كلمات اغنية غزال كاظم الساهر بالفيديو
كلمات اغنية غزال
غَزَال وَمَا يصيدونه .
وَمَا لاحه سَهْم صَيَّاد
يَصِيد بِنَظَرِه عُيُونَه .
هَيْهَات وَحَلَم ينصاد
شَفَتِه وصوبت سَهْمِي .
بعيونه انْصَبَّت أَنَا
بِسَهْم مَسْحُورٌ صوبني .
مِنْ عِنْدِهِ شَكَيْت أَنَا
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
غَزَال غَزَال .
غَزَال وَمَا يصيدونه
غَزَال وَمَا يصيدونه .
مَا لاحه سَهْم صَيَّاد
(ما لاحه سَهْم صياد) .
يَصِيد بِنَظَرِه عُيُونَه هَيْهَات
وَحَلَم ينصاد .
(هيهات وَحَلَم ينصاد)
غَزَال وَمَا يصيدونه
مَا لاحه سَهْم صَيَّاد .
(لا ، لَا مَا لاحه سَهْم صياد)
يَصِيد بِنَظَرِه عُيُونَه هَيْهَات .
وَحَلَم ينصاد
(هيهات وَحَلَم ينصاد) .
شَفَتِه وصوبت سَهْمِي
بعيونه انْصَبَّت أَنَا
بِسَهْم مَسْحُورٌ صوبني .
مِنْ عِنْدِهِ شَكَيْت أَنَا
شَفَتِه وصوبت سَهْمِي .
بعيونه انْصَبَّت أَنَا
بِسَهْم مَسْحُورٌ صوبني .
مِنْ عِنْدِهِ شَكَيْت أَنَا
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
غَزَال غَزَال ، غَزَال .
وَمَا يصيدونه لَا صَائِد
وَلَا مصيود يَسْأَلُنِي بَعْد وَيَنْه .
(يسألني بَعْد وينه)
غَزَال وَيَرْعَى بِالْجَنَّة .
وسهامه بِطَرَف عَيْنِه
(وسهامه بِطَرَف عينه) .
لَا ، لَا ، لَا صَائِد وَلَا مصيود
يَسْأَلُنِي بَعْد وَيَنْه .
(يسألني بَعْد وينه)
غَزَال وَيَرْعَى بِالْجَنَّة .
وسهامه بِطَرَف عَيْنِه
(وسهامه بِطَرَف عينه)
عُيُونَه مِنْ سَوَادِ اللّيْلِ .
وَكُلّ نَظَرِه بسهمته
مِن خَدِّه الْوُرُود تَغَار .
وَشَعْرُه بِلَا مُشْط سارِح
عُيُونَه مِنْ سَوَادِ اللّيْلِ .
وَكُلّ نَظَرِه بسهمته
مِن خَدِّه الْوُرُود تَغَار .
وَشَعْرُه بِلَا مُشْط سارِح
غَزَال غَزَال ، غَزَال .
وَمَا يصيدونه فَز
مِن رميتي وَهَاجَر .
أَصِيلٌ وَرَاح مِنْ أَيْدِي
(أصيل وَرَاح مِن أيدي) .
اش قَد حَاوَلَت أَلْقَاه هِلَال
وَغَاب مِن عِيدِي .
(هلال وَغَاب مِن عيدي)
فَز ، فَز ، فَز مِن رميتي .
وَهَاجَر أَصِيلٌ وَرَاح
مِنْ أَيْدِي أَصِيلٌ وَرَاح .
مِنْ أَيْدِي اش قَد حَاوَلَت
أَلْقَاه هِلَال وَغَاب مِن عِيدِي .
(هلال وَغَاب مِن عيدي)
يَا رَيْت الْجُرْحِ مَا يَطِيبُ .
وَأَظَلّ أَنَا عَلَى هالحال
أَفْقِد بِحَرْقِه صَوابِي .
حَتَّى أَتَذْكُر الْقِتَال
يَا رَيْت الْجُرْحِ مَا يَطِيبُ .
وَأَظَلّ أَنَا عَلَى هالحال
أَفْقِد بِحَرْقِه صَوابِي .
حَتَّى أَتَذْكُر الْقِتَال
غَزَال غَزَال .
غَزَال وَمَا يصيدونه
غَزَال وَمَا يصيدونه .
مَا لاحه سَهْم صَيَّاد
(ما لاحه سَهْم صياد) .
يَصِيد بِنَظَرِه عُيُونَه
هَيْهَات وَحَلَم ينصاد .
(هيهات وَحَلَم ينصاد)
غَزَال وَمَا يصيدونه .
مَا لاحه سَهْم صَيَّاد
(لا ، مَا لاحه سَهْم صياد) .
يَصِيد بِنَظَرِه عُيُونَه هَيْهَات
وَحَلَم ينصاد .
(هيهات وَحَلَم ينصاد)
شَفَتِه وصوبت سَهْمِي .
بعيونه انْصَبَّت أَنَا
بِسَهْم مَسْحُورٌ صوبني .
مِنْ عِنْدِهِ شَكَيْت أَنَا
شَفَتِه وصوبت سَهْمِي .
بعيونه انْصَبَّت أَنَا
بِسَهْم مَسْحُورٌ صوبني .
مِنْ عِنْدِهِ شَكَيْت أَنَا
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
رَمَانِي وَصَوَّب الدَّلَّال .
سحرني وَسَلِمَت بِالْحَال
غَزَال غَزَال ، غَزَال وَمَا يصيدونه . .
كلمات اغنية غزال كاظم الساهر مكتوبة بالزخرفة
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ.
ۈﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ
ﭜڝـﭜﮈ ﭔﮢـظـړﮧ ﻋﭜۈﮢـھ.
ھﭜھآﭥ ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ
شًـڤـﭥھ ۈڝـۈﭔﭥ سـّھﻤﭜ.
ﭔﻋﭜۈﮢـھ أﮢـڝـﭔﭥ أﮢـآ
ﭔسـّھﻤ ﻤسـّﺢـۈړ ڝـۈﭔﮢـﭜ.
ﻤﮢـ ﻋﮢـﮈھ شًـﮗﭜﭥ أﮢـآ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ﻏڒآلْـ ﻏڒآلْـ.
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ.
ﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ
(ﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ).
ﭜڝـﭜﮈ ﭔﮢـظـړﮧ ﻋﭜۈﮢـھ ھﭜھآﭥ
ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ.
(ھﭜھآﭥ ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ)
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ
ﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ.
(لْـآ، لْـآ ﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ)
ﭜڝـﭜﮈ ﭔﮢـظـړﮧ ﻋﭜۈﮢـھ ھﭜھآﭥ.
ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ
(ھﭜھآﭥ ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ).
شًـڤـﭥھ ۈڝـۈﭔﭥ سـّھﻤﭜ
ﭔﻋﭜۈﮢـھ أﮢـڝـﭔﭥ أﮢـآ
ﭔسـّھﻤ ﻤسـّﺢـۈړ ڝـۈﭔﮢـﭜ.
ﻤﮢـ ﻋﮢـﮈھ شًـﮗﭜﭥ أﮢـآ
شًـڤـﭥھ ۈڝـۈﭔﭥ سـّھﻤﭜ.
ﭔﻋﭜۈﮢـھ أﮢـڝـﭔﭥ أﮢـآ
ﭔسـّھﻤ ﻤسـّﺢـۈړ ڝـۈﭔﮢـﭜ.
ﻤﮢـ ﻋﮢـﮈھ شًـﮗﭜﭥ أﮢـآ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ﻏڒآلْـ ﻏڒآلْـ، ﻏڒآلْـ.
ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ لْـآ ڝـآﭜﮈ
ۈلْـآ ﻤڝـﭜۈﮈ ﭜسـّألْـﮢـﭜ ﭔﻋﮈ ۈﭜﮢـھ.
(ﭜسـّألْـﮢـﭜ ﭔﻋﮈ ۈﭜﮢـھ)
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﭜړﻋـﮯ ﭔآلْـچـﮢـﮧ.
ۈسـّھآﻤھ ﭔطـړڤـ ﻋﭜﮢـھ
(ۈسـّھآﻤھ ﭔطـړڤـ ﻋﭜﮢـھ).
لْـآ، لْـآ، لْـآ ڝـآﭜﮈ ۈلْـآ ﻤڝـﭜۈﮈ
ﭜسـّألْـﮢـﭜ ﭔﻋﮈ ۈﭜﮢـھ.
(ﭜسـّألْـﮢـﭜ ﭔﻋﮈ ۈﭜﮢـھ)
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﭜړﻋـﮯ ﭔآلْـچـﮢـﮧ.
ۈسـّھآﻤھ ﭔطـړڤـ ﻋﭜﮢـھ
(ۈسـّھآﻤھ ﭔطـړڤـ ﻋﭜﮢـھ)
ﻋﭜۈﮢـھ ﻤﮢـ سـّۈآﮈ آلْـلْـﭜلْـ.
ۈﮗلْـ ﮢـظـړﮧ ﭔسـّھﻤﭥھ
ﻤﮢـ خـﮈھ آلْـۈړۈﮈ ﭥﻏآړ.
ۈشًـﻋړھ ﭔلْـآ ﻤشًـطـ سـّآړﺢـ
ﻋﭜۈﮢـھ ﻤﮢـ سـّۈآﮈ آلْـلْـﭜلْـ.
ۈﮗلْـ ﮢـظـړﮧ ﭔسـّھﻤﭥھ
ﻤﮢـ خـﮈھ آلْـۈړۈﮈ ﭥﻏآړ.
ۈشًـﻋړھ ﭔلْـآ ﻤشًـطـ سـّآړﺢـ
ﻏڒآلْـ ﻏڒآلْـ، ﻏڒآلْـ.
ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ ڤـڒ
ﻤﮢـ ړﻤﭜﭥﭜ ۈھآچـړ.
أڝـﭜلْـ ۈړآﺢـ ﻤﮢـ أﭜﮈﭜ
(أڝـﭜلْـ ۈړآﺢـ ﻤﮢـ أﭜﮈﭜ).
أشًـ قـﮈ ﺢـآۈلْـﭥ ألْـقـآھ ھلْـآلْـ
ۈﻏآﭔ ﻤﮢـ ﻋﭜﮈﭜ.
(ھلْـآلْـ ۈﻏآﭔ ﻤﮢـ ﻋﭜﮈﭜ)
ڤـڒ، ڤـڒ، ڤـڒ ﻤﮢـ ړﻤﭜﭥﭜ.
ۈھآچـړ أڝـﭜلْـ ۈړآﺢـ
ﻤﮢـ أﭜﮈﭜ أڝـﭜلْـ ۈړآﺢـ.
ﻤﮢـ أﭜﮈﭜ أشًـ قـﮈ ﺢـآۈلْـﭥ
ألْـقـآھ ھلْـآلْـ ۈﻏآﭔ ﻤﮢـ ﻋﭜﮈﭜ.
(ھلْـآلْـ ۈﻏآﭔ ﻤﮢـ ﻋﭜﮈﭜ)
ﭜآ ړﭜﭥ آلْـچـړﺢـ ﻤآ ﭜطـﭜﭔ.
ۈأظـلْـ أﮢـآ ﻋلْــﮯ ھآلْـﺢـآلْـ
أڤـقـﮈ ﭔﺢـړقـﮧ ڝـۈآﭔﭜ.
ﺢـﭥـﮯ أﭥڎﮗړ آلْـقـﭥآلْـ
ﭜآ ړﭜﭥ آلْـچـړﺢـ ﻤآ ﭜطـﭜﭔ.
ۈأظـلْـ أﮢـآ ﻋلْــﮯ ھآلْـﺢـآلْـ
أڤـقـﮈ ﭔﺢـړقـﮧ ڝـۈآﭔﭜ.
ﺢـﭥـﮯ أﭥڎﮗړ آلْـقـﭥآلْـ
ﻏڒآلْـ ﻏڒآلْـ.
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ.
ﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ
(ﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ).
ﭜڝـﭜﮈ ﭔﮢـظـړﮧ ﻋﭜۈﮢـھ
ھﭜھآﭥ ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ.
(ھﭜھآﭥ ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ)
ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ.
ﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ
(لْـآ، ﻤآ لْـآﺢـھ سـّھﻤ ڝـﭜآﮈ).
ﭜڝـﭜﮈ ﭔﮢـظـړﮧ ﻋﭜۈﮢـھ ھﭜھآﭥ
ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ.
(ھﭜھآﭥ ۈﺢـلْـﻤ ﭜﮢـڝـآﮈ)
شًـڤـﭥھ ۈڝـۈﭔﭥ سـّھﻤﭜ.
ﭔﻋﭜۈﮢـھ أﮢـڝـﭔﭥ أﮢـآ
ﭔسـّھﻤ ﻤسـّﺢـۈړ ڝـۈﭔﮢـﭜ.
ﻤﮢـ ﻋﮢـﮈھ شًـﮗﭜﭥ أﮢـآ
شًـڤـﭥھ ۈڝـۈﭔﭥ سـّھﻤﭜ.
ﭔﻋﭜۈﮢـھ أﮢـڝـﭔﭥ أﮢـآ
ﭔسـّھﻤ ﻤسـّﺢـۈړ ڝـۈﭔﮢـﭜ.
ﻤﮢـ ﻋﮢـﮈھ شًـﮗﭜﭥ أﮢـآ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ړﻤآﮢـﭜ ۈڝـۈﭔ آلْـﮈلْـآلْـ.
سـّﺢـړﮢـﭜ ۈسـّلْـﻤﭥ ﭔآلْـﺢـآلْـ
ﻏڒآلْـ ﻏڒآلْـ، ﻏڒآلْـ ۈﻤآ ﭜڝـﭜﮈۈﮢـھ.
اغنية غزال كلمات مكتوبة بالإنجليزية
Deer and what they hunt.
And what a fisherman's arrow found
He hunts with the look of his eyes.
It's a waste of time and a dream that's being hunted down
I saw him and pointed my arrow.
With his eyes I set up
With an enchanted arrow aimed at me.
From him I complained
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
Deer deer.
Deer and what they hunt
Deer and what they hunt.
What a hunter's arrow has found
(What a fisherman's arrow has seen).
He hunts with the look of his eyes
And a dream that hunts.
(Hihat and Dream Hunting)
Deer and what they hunt
What a fisherman's arrow has seen.
(No, no what a fisherman's arrow barked)
He hunts with the look of his eyes.
And a dream that comes true
(Hihat and a dream that hunts) .
I saw him and pointed my arrow
With his eyes I set up
With an enchanted arrow aimed at me.
From him I complained
I saw him and pointed my arrow.
With his eyes I set up
With an enchanted arrow aimed at me.
From him I complained
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
Gazelle Gazelle, Gazelle .
And what they hunt is not a hunter
And no catcher asks me after where he is.
(Asks me after Winh)
A gazelle and grazing in heaven.
And his arrows with the tip of his eye
(and his arrows with the tip of his eye).
No, no, no hunter and no hunter
He asks me after where he is.
(Asks me after Winh)
A gazelle and grazing in heaven.
And his arrows with the tip of his eye
(and his arrows at the tip of his eye)
His eyes are from the blackness of the night.
And every look with his arrow
From his cheek the roses are jealous.
And his hair without a comb is wandering
His eyes are from the blackness of the night.
And every look with his arrow
From his cheek the roses are jealous.
And his hair without a comb is wandering
Gazelle Gazelle, Gazelle .
And they don't hunt him, he won.
Who threw me and migrated.
Aseel and he went out of my hands
(Authentic and relieved of my hands).
What have you tried to find Hilal
And he missed out on my birthday.
(Hilal and missed from Eidi)
Win, win, win from my throw.
And Hajar Aseel and went
From the hands of Aseel and Rah.
From my hands, what have you tried?
A crescent threw it away and missed it from my feast.
(Hilal and missed from Eidi)
I hope the wound doesn't heal.
And I stay like this
By burning it I lose my mind.
So I remember the fight.
I hope the wound doesn't heal.
And I stay like this
By burning it I lose my mind.
So I remember the fight.
Deer deer.
Deer and what they hunt
Deer and what they hunt.
What a hunter's arrow has found
(What a fisherman's arrow has seen).
He hunts with the look of his eyes
Hehat and a dream that is being hunted.
(Hihat and Dream Hunting)
Deer and what they hunt.
What a hunter's arrow has found
(No, what a fisherman's arrow barked).
He hunts with the look of his eyes
And a dream that hunts.
(Hihat and Dream Hunting)
I saw him and pointed my arrow.
With his eyes I set up
With an enchanted arrow aimed at me.
From him I complained
I saw him and pointed my arrow.
With his eyes I set up
With an enchanted arrow aimed at me.
From him I complained
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
He threw me and towards the pamperer.
He charmed me and I greeted the situation
Deer deer, deer and what they hunt . .
وهنا انتهت الكلمات وقد تعرفنا اليوم في موقع صنديد في تصنيف كلمات أغاني. على اغنية غزال كاظم الساهر كلمات مكتوبة كتابة كاملة النسخة الأصلية.