شاهد قصيدة البوصيري في مدح الرسول مكتوبة بالفيديو
البوصيري في مدح الرسول مكتوبة
ظَلَمْت سَنَةٍ مِنْ أَحْيَى الظَّلَام إلَى
أَن اشْتَكَت قَدَمَاه الضُّرّ مِنْ وَرَمِ .
وَشَدّ مِن سعب أحشاءه وَطُوِي
تَحْتَ الْحِجَارَةِ كشحاً مُتْرَف الْأَدَم .
وراودته الْجِبَال الشَّمّ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ
عَنْ نَفْسِهِ فَأَرَاهَا أَيُّمَا شَمَّم .
وأكدت زُهْدِه فِيهَا ضَرُورَةَ
أَنَّ الضَّرُورَةَ لَا تَعْدُو عَلَى الْعَصَم .
وَكَيْف تَدْعُو إلَى الدُّنْيَا ضَرُورَةً مِنْ
لَوْلَاهُ لَمْ تَخْرُجْ الدُّنْيَا مِنْ الْعَدَمِ .
مُحَمَّدٍ سَيِّدِ الْكَوْنَيْنِ وَالثَّقَلَيْن
وَالْفَرِيقَيْن مِنْ غَرَبٍ وَمِنْ عَجَمِ .
نَبِيِّنَا الْآمِرُ النَّاهِي فَلَا أَحَدَ
أَبَرّ فِي قَوْلِ لَا مِنْهُ وَلَا نَعَمْ .
هُو الْحَبِيبُ الَّذِي تَرَجِّي شَفَاعَتُه
لِكُلّ هَوْل مِنْ الْأَهْوَالِ مقتحم .
دَعَا إلَى اللَّهِ فالمستمسكون بِه
مُسْتَمْسِكُون بِحَبْل غَيْر منفصم .
فَاق النّبيين فِي خَلْقِ وَفِي خَلَق
وَلَم يدانوه فِي عِلْمِ وَلَا كَرْمَ .
وَكُلُّهُمْ مِنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ مُلْتَمَس
غرفاً مِنْ الْبَحْرِ أَوْ رَشْفا مِن الديم .
وواقفون لَدَيْه عِنْد حَدِّهِم
مِنْ نُقْطَةِ الْعِلْمِ أَوْ مِنْ شَكْلِهِ الْحُكْم .
فَهُوَ الَّذِي ثُمّ مَعْنَاه وَصُورَتُه
ثُمّ اصْطَفَاه حبيباً بَارِئِ النَّسَمِ .
مُنَزَّهٌ عَنْ شَرِيكٍ فِي مَحَاسِنِهِ
فجوهر الْحَسَن فِيهِ غَيْرُ مُنْقَسِمٍ .
دَعْ مَا دَعَتْه النَّصَارَى فِي نَبِيِّهِم
وَأَحْكَم بِمَا شِئْت مدحاً فِيه واحتكم .
وَانْسُب إلَى ذَاتِهِ مَا شِئْت مِنْ شَرَفِ
وَانْسُب إلَى قُدْرَةِ مَا شِئْت مِنْ عِظَمِ .
فَإِنْ فَضَلَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ لَيْسَ لَهُ
حَدّ فَيُعْرَب عَنْه نَاطِقٌ بِفَم .
لَو ناست قَدَّرَه آيَاتِه عظماً
أَحْيَى اسْمُه حِين يُدْعَى دَارِسٌ الرَّمَم .
لَم يمتحنا بِمَا تَعَنَّى الْعُقُول بِه
حرصاً عَلَيْنَا فَلَمْ تَرَتَّب وَلَم تُهِم .
أَعْيُن الْوَرَى فَهْمِ مَعْنَاهُ فَلَيْسَ يَرَى
فِي الْقُرْبِ وَالْبُعْدُ مِنْهُ غَيْرُ منفحم .
كَالشَّمْس تَظْهَر لِلْعَيْنَيْن مِنْ بَعْدِ
صَغِيرَة وتكل الطَّرَف مِن أُمَمٌ .
وَكَيْف يُدْرَكُ فِي الدُّنْيَا حَقِيقَتِه
قَوْمٌ نِيَامٌ تَسُلُّوا عَنْه بِالْحِلْم .
فمبلغ الْعِلْمِ فِيهِ أَنَّهُ بِشْر
وَأَنَّهُ خَيْرُ خَلَقَ اللَّهُ كُلُّهُمْ .
كُلٌّ أَيْ أَتَى الرُّسُل الْكِرَام بِهَا
فَإِنَّمَا اتَّصَلَت مِنْ نُورِهِ بِهِم .
فَإِنَّه شَمْس فَضْل هُم كَوَاكِبُهَا
يظهرن أَنْوَارُهَا لِلنَّاسِ فِي الظُّلْمِ .
أَكْرَم بِخَلْق نَبِيّ زائه خَلَق
بِالْحُسْن مُشْتَمِل بِالْبِشْر متّسم .
كالزهر فِي تَرَفٍ وَالْبَدْرَ فِي شَرَفٍ
وَالْبَخَرِ فِي كَرَمٍ وَالدَّهْرُ فِي همم .
كَأَنَّه وَهُوَ فَرْدٌ فِي جَلَالَتِه
فِي عَسْكَرِ حِين تَلَقَّاه وَفِي حَشَم .
كَأَنَّمَا اللُّؤْلُؤِ الْمَكْنُونِ فِي صَدَف
مِن مَعْدِنِيٌّ مَنْطِق مِنْه ومبتسم .
لَا طَيَّب يَعْدِل ترباً ضَمّ أَعْظَمَه
طُوبَى لمنتشق مِنْه وملتيم .
كلمات قصيدة البوصيري في مدح الرسول مكتوبة بالزخرفة
ظـَلْـَﻤْﭥ سـَّﮢـَﮧٍ ﻤِﮢـْ أَﺢـْﭜَـﮯ آلْـظـَّلْـَآﻤ إلْـَـﮯ
أَﮢـ آشًـْﭥَﮗَﭥ قـَﮈَﻤَآھ آلْـڞُّړّ ﻤِﮢـْ ۈَړَﻤِ .
ۈَشًـَﮈّ ﻤِﮢـ سـّﻋﭔ أﺢـشًـآءھ ۈَطـُۈِﭜ
ﭥَﺢـْﭥَ آلْـْﺢـِچـَآړَﮧِ ﮗشًـﺢـآً ﻤُﭥْړَڤـ آلْـْأَﮈَﻤ .
ۈړآۈﮈﭥھ آلْـْچـِﭔَآلْـ آلْـشًـَّﻤّ ﻤِﮢـْ ڎَھَﭔٍ
ﻋَﮢـْ ﮢـَڤـْسـِّھِ ڤـَأَړَآھَآ أَﭜُّﻤَآ شًـَﻤَّﻤ .
ۈأﮗﮈﭥ ڒُھْﮈِھ ڤـِﭜھَآ ڞَړُۈړَﮧَ
أَﮢـَّ آلْـڞَّړُۈړَﮧَ لْـَآ ﭥَﻋْﮈُۈ ﻋَلْـَـﮯ آلْـْﻋَڝـَﻤ .
ۈَﮗَﭜْڤـ ﭥَﮈْﻋُۈ إلْـَـﮯ آلْـﮈُّﮢـْﭜَآ ڞَړُۈړَﮧً ﻤِﮢـْ
لْـَۈْلْـَآھُ لْـَﻤْ ﭥَخـْړُچـْ آلْـﮈُّﮢـْﭜَآ ﻤِﮢـْ آلْـْﻋَﮈَﻤِ .
ﻤُﺢـَﻤَّﮈٍ سـَّﭜِّﮈِ آلْـْﮗَۈْﮢـَﭜْﮢـِ ۈَآلْـﺛَّقـَلْـَﭜْﮢـ
ۈَآلْـْڤـَړِﭜقـَﭜْﮢـ ﻤِﮢـْ ﻏَړَﭔٍ ۈَﻤِﮢـْ ﻋَچـَﻤِ .
ﮢـَﭔِﭜِّﮢـَآ آلْـْآﻤِړُ آلْـﮢـَّآھِﭜ ڤـَلْـَآ أَﺢـَﮈَ
أَﭔَړّ ڤـِﭜ قـَۈْلْـِ لْـَآ ﻤِﮢـْھُ ۈَلْـَآ ﮢـَﻋَﻤْ .
ھُۈ آلْـْﺢـَﭔِﭜﭔُ آلْـَّڎِﭜ ﭥَړَچـِّﭜ شًـَڤـَآﻋَﭥُھ
لْـِﮗُلْـّ ھَۈْلْـ ﻤِﮢـْ آلْـْأَھْۈَآلْـِ ﻤقـﭥﺢـﻤ .
ﮈَﻋَآ إلْـَـﮯ آلْـلْـَّھِ ڤـآلْـﻤسـّﭥﻤسـّﮗۈﮢـ ﭔِھ
ﻤُسـّْﭥَﻤْسـِّﮗُۈﮢـ ﭔِﺢـَﭔْلْـ ﻏَﭜْړ ﻤﮢـڤـڝـﻤ .
ڤـَآقـ آلْـﮢـّﭔﭜﭜﮢـ ڤـِﭜ خـَلْـْقـِ ۈَڤـِﭜ خـَلْـَقـ
ۈَلْـَﻤ ﭜﮈآﮢـۈھ ڤـِﭜ ﻋِلْـْﻤِ ۈَلْـَآ ﮗَړْﻤَ .
ۈَﮗُلْـُّھُﻤْ ﻤِﮢـْ ړَسـُّۈلْـِ آلْـلْـَّھِ ﻤُلْـْﭥَﻤَسـّ
ﻏړڤـآً ﻤِﮢـْ آلْـْﭔَﺢـْړِ أَۈْ ړَشًـْڤـآ ﻤِﮢـ آلْـﮈﭜﻤ .
ۈۈآقـڤـۈﮢـ لْـَﮈَﭜْھ ﻋِﮢـْﮈ ﺢـَﮈِّھِﻤ
ﻤِﮢـْ ﮢـُقـْطـَﮧِ آلْـْﻋِلْـْﻤِ أَۈْ ﻤِﮢـْ شًـَﮗْلْـِھِ آلْـْﺢـُﮗْﻤ .
ڤـَھُۈَ آلْـَّڎِﭜ ﺛُﻤّ ﻤَﻋْﮢـَآھ ۈَڝـُۈړَﭥُھ
ﺛُﻤّ آڝـْطـَڤـَآھ ﺢـﭔﭜﭔآً ﭔَآړِـﮱِ آلْـﮢـَّسـَّﻤِ .
ﻤُﮢـَڒَّھٌ ﻋَﮢـْ شًـَړِﭜﮗٍ ڤـِﭜ ﻤَﺢـَآسـِّﮢـِھِ
ڤـچـۈھړ آلْـْﺢـَسـَّﮢـ ڤـِﭜھِ ﻏَﭜْړُ ﻤُﮢـْقـَسـِّﻤٍ .
ﮈَﻋْ ﻤَآ ﮈَﻋَﭥْھ آلْـﮢـَّڝـَآړَـﮯ ڤـِﭜ ﮢـَﭔِﭜِّھِﻤ
ۈَأَﺢـْﮗَﻤ ﭔِﻤَآ شًـِـﮱْﭥ ﻤﮈﺢـآً ڤـِﭜھ ۈآﺢـﭥﮗﻤ .
ۈَآﮢـْسـُّﭔ إلْـَـﮯ ڎَآﭥِھِ ﻤَآ شًـِـﮱْﭥ ﻤِﮢـْ شًـَړَڤـِ
ۈَآﮢـْسـُّﭔ إلْـَـﮯ قـُﮈْړَﮧِ ﻤَآ شًـِـﮱْﭥ ﻤِﮢـْ ﻋِظـَﻤِ .
ڤـَإِﮢـْ ڤـَڞَلْـَ ړَسـُّۈلْـِ آلْـلْـَّھِ لْـَﭜْسـَّ لْـَھُ
ﺢـَﮈّ ڤـَﭜُﻋْړَﭔ ﻋَﮢـْھ ﮢـَآطـِقـٌ ﭔِڤـَﻤ .
لْـَۈ ﮢـآسـّﭥ قـَﮈَّړَھ آﭜَآﭥِھ ﻋظـﻤآً
أَﺢـْﭜَـﮯ آسـّْﻤُھ ﺢـِﭜﮢـ ﭜُﮈْﻋَـﮯ ﮈَآړِسـٌّ آلْـړَّﻤَﻤ .
لْـَﻤ ﭜﻤﭥﺢـﮢـآ ﭔِﻤَآ ﭥَﻋَﮢـَّـﮯ آلْـْﻋُقـُۈلْـ ﭔِھ
ﺢـړڝـآً ﻋَلْـَﭜْﮢـَآ ڤـَلْـَﻤْ ﭥَړَﭥَّﭔ ۈَلْـَﻤ ﭥُھِﻤ .
أَﻋْﭜُﮢـ آلْـْۈَړَـﮯ ڤـَھْﻤِ ﻤَﻋْﮢـَآھُ ڤـَلْـَﭜْسـَّ ﭜَړَـﮯ
ڤـِﭜ آلْـْقـُړْﭔِ ۈَآلْـْﭔُﻋْﮈُ ﻤِﮢـْھُ ﻏَﭜْړُ ﻤﮢـڤـﺢـﻤ .
ﮗَآلْـشًـَّﻤْسـّ ﭥَظـْھَړ لْـِلْـْﻋَﭜْﮢـَﭜْﮢـ ﻤِﮢـْ ﭔَﻋْﮈِ
ڝـَﻏِﭜړَﮧ ۈﭥﮗلْـ آلْـطـَّړَڤـ ﻤِﮢـ أُﻤَﻤٌ .
ۈَﮗَﭜْڤـ ﭜُﮈْړَﮗُ ڤـِﭜ آلْـﮈُّﮢـْﭜَآ ﺢـَقـِﭜقـَﭥِھ
قـَۈْﻤٌ ﮢـِﭜَآﻤٌ ﭥَسـُّلْـُّۈآ ﻋَﮢـْھ ﭔِآلْـْﺢـِلْـْﻤ .
ڤـﻤﭔلْـﻏ آلْـْﻋِلْـْﻤِ ڤـِﭜھِ أَﮢـَّھُ ﭔِشًـْړ
ۈَأَﮢـَّھُ خـَﭜْړُ خـَلْـَقـَ آلْـلْـَّھُ ﮗُلْـُّھُﻤْ .
ﮗُلْـٌّ أَﭜْ أَﭥَـﮯ آلْـړُّسـُّلْـ آلْـْﮗِړَآﻤ ﭔِھَآ
ڤـَإِﮢـَّﻤَآ آﭥَّڝـَلْـَﭥ ﻤِﮢـْ ﮢـُۈړِھِ ﭔِھِﻤ .
ڤـَإِﮢـَّھ شًـَﻤْسـّ ڤـَڞْلْـ ھُﻤ ﮗَۈَآﮗِﭔُھَآ
ﭜظـھړﮢـ أَﮢـْۈَآړُھَآ لْـِلْـﮢـَّآسـِّ ڤـِﭜ آلْـظـُّلْـْﻤِ .
أَﮗْړَﻤ ﭔِخـَلْـْقـ ﮢـَﭔِﭜّ ڒآـﮱھ خـَلْـَقـ
ﭔِآلْـْﺢـُسـّْﮢـ ﻤُشًـْﭥَﻤِلْـ ﭔِآلْـْﭔِشًـْړ ﻤﭥّسـّﻤ .
ﮗآلْـڒھړ ڤـِﭜ ﭥَړَڤـٍ ۈَآلْـْﭔَﮈْړَ ڤـِﭜ شًـَړَڤـٍ
ۈَآلْـْﭔَخـَړِ ڤـِﭜ ﮗَړَﻤٍ ۈَآلْـﮈَّھْړُ ڤـِﭜ ھﻤﻤ .
ﮗَأَﮢـَّھ ۈَھُۈَ ڤـَړْﮈٌ ڤـِﭜ چـَلْـَآلْـَﭥِھ
ڤـِﭜ ﻋَسـّْﮗَړِ ﺢـِﭜﮢـ ﭥَلْـَقـَّآھ ۈَڤـِﭜ ﺢـَشًـَﻤ .
ﮗَأَﮢـَّﻤَآ آلْـلْـُّؤْلْـُؤِ آلْـْﻤَﮗْﮢـُۈﮢـِ ڤـِﭜ ڝـَﮈَڤـ
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لْـَآ طـَﭜَّﭔ ﭜَﻋْﮈِلْـ ﭥړﭔآً ڞَﻤّ أَﻋْظـَﻤَھ
طـُۈﭔَـﮯ لْـﻤﮢـﭥشًـقـ ﻤِﮢـْھ ۈﻤلْـﭥﭜﻤ .
كلمات قصيدة البوصيري في مدح الرسول مكتوبة بالإنجليزية
a year has gone wrong from the darkest to the
That his feet complained of injury from a tumor.
He tightened his bowels and folded
Beneath the stones is the luxuriant laxity of the blood.
And the smelling mountains of gold came to him
On his own, he saw it whenever he smelled.
His asceticism was confirmed as a necessity
Necessity does not transcend the infallible.
How do you call to the world as a necessity?
If not, the world would not have come out of nothingness.
Muhammad is the master of the two universes and the two weights
And the two groups are from the west and from the non-Arab.
Our Prophet is the forbidding order, but no one
I am more righteous in saying no or yes.
He is the Beloved, whose intercession I hope
To each of the horrors stormed.
He called to God, so those who cling to Him
Clinging to an unbreakable cord.
He surpassed the Prophets in character and in character
And they did not judge him in knowledge or generosity.
And all of them are sought from the Messenger of God
Rooms from the sea or sips from the river.
And standing by him at their limit
From the point of knowledge or from the form of the ruling.
He is the one whose meaning and image
Then he chose him as a sweetheart.
unparalleled in his merits
The essence of goodness in it is undivided.
Leave what the Christians called for in their Prophet
And judge by what you wish praised and judged.
And attribute to Himself whatever honor you will
And attribute to the power of whatever bone you will.
If the grace of the Messenger of God is not his
It is a limit, so that it may be spoken of by mouth.
If you forgot, his verses made a greatness for him
He revived his name when he was called Daris Al-Ramm.
He did not test us with what minds mean
Out of concern for us, they did not arrange and did not matter.
The eyes of the blind understand its meaning, but he does not see.
Near and far from it is not charred.
as the sun appears to the eyes from afar
small, and the flank is worn out by nations.
And how in this world does he perceive his truth?
Some people are asleep, ask about him by dreaming.
The amount of knowledge in him is that he is human
And it is the best of all God's creation.
What did the honorable apostles bring with
I only contacted them from his light.
It is the sun, the grace of which are its stars.
They show their lights to people in darkness.
I am honored by the creation of a prophet whose creation is equal to him
Al-Hassan is inclusive of the human being characterized.
Like a flower in luxury and the full moon in honor
And the incense is in generosity, and the age is in sorrow.
as if he was alone in his majesty
In Askar when he received it, and in Hashem.
as if the pearls in a seashell
I'm metallic and smiling.
There is no good that equals the soil of its greatest
Blessed is he who is estranged from him and who has fallen in love.